Why Is Peloton So Popular? A Doctor’s Take on At-Home Workouts
I was a runner until I hurt my back 10 years ago. I began emphasizing strength and core work at the gym and did CrossFit for several years to rehab my back and ensure I was fit enough to play golf, which I enjoy. I then transitioned to swimming and weights.
But when the COVID pandemic struck the U.S., my wife and I struggled to find safe, regular fitness alternatives among the limited options available. Like many others worldwide, we decided to try Peloton’s high-tech stationary bike. It became a vital workout at a time when we were all encouraged to stay at home.
Post-pandemic, I began dialing back my Peloton workouts but found myself falling out of shape. So, I decided to jump back in — and for the past year and a half, I’ve maintained a streak of three or four Peloton workout days a week.
This bike is no different than others, so why is Peloton so popular? What makes Peloton special?
Why Is Peloton So Popular?
Why do enthusiasts like my wife and I rely on its at-home workouts year after year? I summarize Peloton’s popularity in three words: convenience, community, and variety.
The Peloton stationary cycle is simple and convenient. I set the alarm and complete my cycling routine at home before I leave for work, whether it’s raining or cold outside.
The app is uncomplicated. I easily access my workouts and filter the app to my choice for that day. I don’t have to reserve gym equipment the night before or drive to the gym in the morning, find parking, and wait for certain machines as I try to fit my routine around other gym-goers. It’s always there, and there’s little excuse not to exercise.
I take pride in hitting a 200th ride or 350th workout, and I see benefits in how I sleep, eat, and feel each day. For example, I golf now without leg numbness or an aching back.
It’s motivating to realize that people elsewhere in the country — or the world — are working out like me for the same reasons:
- The Peloton community keeps me accountable, so I keep my workout streak alive.
- I like the friendly sense of competition with my friends in the Peloton community. We “follow” each other’s progress, compare and contrast our data, and offer a motivational “high five” to other riders.
- My wife and I find and tag niche groups like “Peloton doctors” or “working moms,” each a sort of community within a community. (There’s even a sizable “Carolinas Peloton Crew” on Facebook.)
- The Peloton app records my and others’ streaks and milestones for the same sense of accountability and accomplishment, similar to what makes the Weight Watchers program successful.
Of course, you may find this sense of community and friendly competition at many gyms or with a workout group at a local park. I attributed my years of fitness success with CrossFit to having a group that exercised with me regularly, gave me a little bit of competition, and held me accountable.
What makes Peloton special? For me, its advantage over CrossFit is the convenience of guided workouts right in my own home. Although Peloton is done in a virtual environment, it connects me with like-minded, supportive individuals.
Feeling a sense of community when I work out makes exercise more fun and accomplishments more appreciated.
Peloton indoor cyclists choose from live or pre-recorded rides and vary workout times as needed. My cycling workout might take 10, 30, or 60 minutes, depending on my time and what I want to get out of it.
Cyclists who like to compete can compare their progress against a Peloton leaderboard. I strive for the 50th percentile range; if my percentile starts to slip, I work harder to ramp up my performance.
Another benefit of Peloton: I don’t restrict my workouts to just cycling!
To rehab my back and keep my core strong, I combine a couple of 10–15-minute Peloton workouts targeting my upper and lower body or blend other Peloton workouts for an element of cross-training. Some days, I follow the Peloton yoga app or practice one of their stretching routines before playing golf.
Peloton also offers an app that lets me track steps outdoors, as well as the Peloton Tread, a compact interactive treadmill. The Peloton Tread coach instructs me on how fast to go and when to slow down — more of a workout challenge than running with music in my ear.
Peloton and other indoor workout systems or apps are investments, but we invest in what we value. Your health is worth investing in, like joining a concierge practice to get the best care, feel the best you can, and live your longest, healthiest life.
Working Out Is Better With Friends
Everyone has a motivation to exercise and make other healthy lifestyle choices.
I’m not advocating exclusively for Peloton. It works great for me, but you may find alternatives comparable with classes or a workout regimen at your local gym. For example, my wife does Orange Theory a few days a week and loves it.
A diverse workout option that’s consistently convenient and minimally expensive can motivate you, rain or shine. And a group setting offers a healthy measure of accountability and competitiveness.
Do you need to find more community in your workouts? Are you curious to know more about what makes Peloton special? Would you like to chat about other forms of fitness?
Your Signature Healthcare physicians are happy to talk. Let’s find your workout!

Michael Warren Smith, MD
Dr. Michael Smith, MD, a dedicated internal medicine specialist, has been serving Charlotte families with distinction for over 19 years. A Wake Forest University alumnus and a devoted family man, Dr. Smith balances his professional life with a passion for golf, beach travels, Peloton rides, and cheering for ACC teams, alongside his wife, Dr. Erin Smith, their two children, and Bogey, their Golden Retriever.